A society of dwarfs. An absolutely immobile country in the truest sense of the word

October 24, 2024 Reflections of a heretic

A golden mediocrity.
A society of dwarfs.

Veronica Baker

A society of dwarfs. An absolutely immobile country in the truest sense of the word

A society of dwarfs
A society of dwarfs…

A real estate country in the truest sense of the word.

In fact, and certainly not by chance, it is the country with the highest number of homeowners in the world.

A state decidedly unwilling to reform, where people do absolutely nothing to change.

They just want to take the place (and, of course, the privileges) of those who have been “eliminated”.

A nation that runs exclusively on a system based on nepotism and corruption.

If you are a successful figure and you get too much visibility in the field where you operate – or you invade the “territory” of others – sooner or later they will always try to take you out.

First on an image level, then on a political/legal level.

This is true both locally and nationally.

The average Italian strives first and foremost for the destruction of the other.

A golden mediocrity.
A society of dwarfs.