A world upside down

October 4, 2024 Artistic eroticism, Internet and virtual life

Once you enter the virtual, everything turns upside down.

Veronica Baker

A world upside down

The virtual has definitely changed the scale of what is considered “private”.
Outside the virtual, people have no great problem telling you their name, their age, or where they usually spend their vacations.

Confidentiality is there, and rightly so, when it comes to talking about one’s intimacy and the most personal aspects of one’s family, romantic or sexual life.
But as soon as you enter the virtual world, it becomes an upside-down world.

A world turned upside down

Then you describe in great detail your vices, affairs, family quarrels, psychological problems, doubts, hopes, dreams, and a whole range of news that in real life everyone would avoid revealing.

In the virtual world, ordinary things like one’s name, age, and where one goes on vacation often remain a mystery.
And when one’s body is shown, often without a veil, the face becomes the most private part, reserved only for a few intimates.