Debt. Not essential and not necessary

September 27, 2024 EcoAnemia

I have never been in debt, and I have no desire for debt.

Veronica Baker

Debt. Not essential and not necessary

I have no debts.
I have never had any.

I’m basically against having any.

Throughout my life, I have never taken out a loan, or set aside a payment for anything.
I have always paid what I owed immediately.


That was always my thinking :

“If you can afford it buy it, if you can’t afford it don’t buy it.”

I don’t like to go to sleep at night knowing that there is someone I have to pay back.

It’s rarely happened to me that I forgot my purse and didn’t have the money to pay for the groceries at the bakery, and of course I was told :

“Don’t worry, you’ll pay me next time.”

But I knew that I was not quiet during the day, and so after passing by the house, I would return immediately to pay what I owed him.

I have never wanted to be in debt, nor do I want to be.

Therefore, I will soon repay what was given to me in excess.
This is my promise.