“Furbetti del quartierino”. Poor guys

December 12, 2024 Internet and virtual life

There are people who email me using fake identities, hoping to annoy me in some way by treating issues close to my heart in an impertinent and provocative way.

Veronica Baker

Furbetti del quartierino“. Poor guys

There are so many of them.
They seem to be cast from the same mold, and yet their backgrounds are always the same.

Furbetti del quartierino. They seem to be cast from the same mold

They write more or less the same things (they even all use the same e-mail provider) and flaunt a politeness that, for those with sensibilities like mine, immediately creates annoying vibes thick with falsehood.

I am sure they will be very disappointed when they receive my (usual) neutral and cold reply.

Poor guys.
Deep down, they even tenderize me.