Paparazzi. Even managed to enter Parliament

September 27, 2024 Reflections of a heretic

It has begun to spiral outward, impressively enveloping even the ordinary.

Veronica Baker

Paparazzi. Even managed to enter Parliament

Gradually room has been made for an army of paparazzi….

Today, the general mass media almost exclusively publish news based on the morbidity that characterizes a society that is hypocritical and respectable, but always ready to engage in affairs of questionable ethical depth.

Above all, however, it is interesting to note that everything that has to do with the world of transgression occupies the front pages of the newspapers, to the point that the protagonists of the events become very famous and well-known, even though they are characters who would otherwise never be taken into consideration.

Of course, Italy is even more shattered when the entertainment world has to take advantage of such figures to make them stars for the future.

And this is without taking into account the “harmfulness” of the message it conveys, which encourages young people to think that they can get money and fame by behaving in ways that, in reality, should not be rewarded but at least ignored, if not condemned.

A “moral” crisis in a spiral that is now impressively enveloping even the lives of ordinary people.

Meanwhile, practically all the most productive minds have fled Italy, those who, at the height of their training, could not be recognized artistically, professionally… even morally.

On the other hand, space was gradually left for an army of paparazzi who, in time, even managed to enter Parliament.