October 1, 2024 5g, Chemtrails, Graphene, Neurocontrol, Scientific alternative studies, That terrible virus never isolated
Google has clearly shown that there are no scientific reasons, making it clear that they are political.
Scientific articles (3). People who died “suddenly” had blood clots removed
On this page – which I will update more or less daily – I will report on some scientific articles of particular interest in the very turbulent times in which we are currently living.
Microscopic photos of blood clots taken from people who “suddenly died”
Crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures can be seen.
This confirms the hypotheses made by me in September/October last year. (Editor’s note. : the original page in Italian was published on November 4, 2022)
In this regard, I recommend that you read the following scientific studies very carefully, especially the first three.
Ossido di grafene ridotto ed effetti sul sistema nervoso centrale
Identificazione di pattern nel sangue di persone vaccinate : grafene cristallizzato !
Identificazione di pattern nelle persone vaccinate : nanopolpi e nanotubi di carbonio/grafene
Dani Diaz (rightly) keeps harping on this topic and he also published this video about it.
Now, beyond the nasty controversy about the famous salt chips or crystals, he basically confirms all the hypotheses about crystals in the blood in the same way.
Enrico Baccarini interviewed Mario Pincherle in June 2004.
Biomolecular consciousness and nanotechnology. Ultra-millimeter-scale activity in biomolecular assemblies could define life itself and provide a frontier for the evolution of technology.
A really outdated text (1987), but still interesting, which especially shows how studies for the hybridization of the human body really start from very far away.