Scientific articles you will never read in the mass media (4)

October 1, 2024 5g, Chemtrails, Gender Identity, Graphene, Neurocontrol, Scientific alternative studies, That terrible virus never isolated

In a very clear way, Google has shown that there are no scientific reasons and has made it clear that these are exclusively political reasons.

Veronica Baker

Scientific articles you will never read in the mass media (4)

On this page – which I will update more or less daily – I will report on some scientific articles of particular interest in the very turbulent times in which we are currently living.

Christian Baumeier et al (2022). Intramyocardial inflammation after COVID-19 “vaccination” : an endomyocardial biopsy-proven case series.

Melius abundare quam deficere.
Another confirmation of what I have known for more than a year.

Perlstad, H. (2013). Milgram’s obedience to authority : its origins, controversies, and replications.’s_Obedience_to_Authority_Its_Origins_Controversies_and_Replications

A study that provides a detailed historical account of both the origins of Milgram’s famous study and the subsequent controversy that has surrounded it over the years.
One of the most important scholarly articles ever written on the subject.

The truth about chemtrails. The forbidden interview with Enrico Gianini.

Scientific articles you will never read in the mass media

It is well known that Italy is one of the countries where the freedom of the press is at an absolute minimum and where the scientific environment has always been inclined to 90 degrees to the so-called “strong powers”.
So here comes, guiltily late, this study, indeed much “expected” – for the exclusive use of “doctors” – on the side effects “suffered” by those who have been injected with so-called “vaccines”.

Already the introductory page is, in my opinion, eloquent :

“The long two-year period of the Covid-19 pandemic, which we cannot yet put to rest because of the continuous “variants”, has taught us not to let our guard down in the face of new possible future emergencies.

These new “vaccines” are attracting the attention of the entire scientific community, not so much for their lack of efficacy (quite predictable, given the tendency of coronaviruses to mutate), but for a frequency of undesirable side effects that is decidedly anomalous and whose real value has not yet been clarified.

A “stone in the pond” for further investigation, in the context of that “intellectual honesty” that has always characterized and continues to characterize our association”.

I will refrain from commenting on this because it would be far too offensive and detrimental to the professionalism of others (assuming that those who wrote these words know the meaning of the term).

A total of 1006 cases were “studied” and in 948 cases “various alterations in the state of aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence in the peripheral blood of particles of various shapes and sizes of dubious nature” were found (94% of patients, curious that this number is still repeated, which is exactly the percentage of world population reduction desired by the elites).

By the way, this publication is nothing more than a copy of what has already been verified for more than a year by practically the entire international scientific community, with the aggravating circumstance of not even having the courage to use the word “graphene”; in the so-called Third World there is no such fear.

In short, this study is absolutely useless, both for scientific and diagnostic purposes, and if I have reported it, it is only for the sake of completeness of information, as well as to emphasize once again how scientific research is now dead in Italy.

Scientific articles “made in Italy”?
No, thank you.

Cordani P. (2000). Method of modifying weather.

A method of artificially modifying weather by seeding polymers that are dispersed into rain clouds during a thunderstorm, where the wind agitates the mixture and causes the polymer to absorb the rain.

This interaction creates a gelatinous substance that precipitates to the surface below, reducing the clouds’ ability to rain.
Another debacle for those who continue to propagate that there is no scientific paper on the subject.

Abramson D.I., Johnson J.R. (2017). Creating a conversational chat bot of a specific person.

Microsoft has filed a patent to bring dead loved ones back to life as artificial intelligence “chatbots” using digital data collected from the Web.
In a nutshell, artificial life is computers that simulate life forms based on individual or collective simulated virtual life forms, such as individual “avatars”, social simulations, or virtual worlds.

Kurapati R., Mukherjee S.P., Martín C., Bepete G., Vázquez E., Pénicaud A., Fadeel B., Bianco A. (2018). Degradation of Single-Layer and Few-Layer Graphene by Neutrophil Myeloperoxidase.

Warrier V., Greenberg D.M., Weir E., Buckingham C., Smith P., Lai M.C., Allison C., Baron-Cohen S. (2020). Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals. DOI :

On the wave of the attempt to cover up in any way the damage caused to the whole of humanity by the so-called “vaccines” (and at the same time keep their friends at the WHO and the WEF happy), some scientific articles have been written by some “researchers” (I recommend reading their “CVs” where it is very easy to verify that this is a fake study published “on commission”) who would like to prove that “transgenderism” exists.

I remind for the umpteenth time that the term “transgenderism” does NOT exist in the medical literature, but is only a common word used only in the media and in politics, where, as is well known, they only tell falsehoods in the pay of the well-known NWO.

What proves for the umpteenth time the lack of professionalism of these “so-called” researchers, such as autism, would be “a pathology induced by nanoparticles present for decades” in (so-called) “vaccines”

Of course, there is no connection between the two “pathologies” : only hypothetically can a PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) trauma experienced at an early age (some research has suggested that autistic people may in some cases develop such symptoms) be related to a Gender Identity Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (GIDNOS, i.e. Gender Dysphoria Not Otherwise Specified).

Unfortunately, this is a problem that comes from a very distant past and, above all, has been entrenched over the years in both public opinion (which has always been ill-informed on the subject) and medical opinion (and this fact is really very serious).

In fact, so-called Western psychiatry continues to “classify” people with “gender dysphoria” as “mentally disturbed”, and this fact obviously perpetuates and exacerbates the stigmatization in terms of rights and equal opportunities (unless someone decides to sell their soul to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, which by the way – it should be obvious to everyone – only cynically and instrumentally uses the issue to justify its horrible definition of “equality”).

Piñar-Gutiérrez, A., Remón P.,  Soto-Moreno R.A. (2022). Case report : Pituitary apoplexy after COVID-19 vaccination. Doi :

A study confirming the results of autopsies performed in several hospitals.
Scientific articles that you will never read in the mass media.

Buckels E.E., Trapnell P.D. , Delroy P.L. (2014). Trolls just want to have fun. Personality and Individual Differences. Doi :

The authors conducted a thorough study of both the personalities of so-called “commenters” on the Internet network and their commenting styles, revealing rather disturbing relationships between so-called “trolling” and the dark triad of personality (sadism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism).

In particular, those who were particularly interested in cyber-trolling showed very pronounced traits of sadism.