December 12, 2024 Internet and virtual life
The easiest system to get rid of unpleasant characters and opinions.
The Savonarolas of the web. Best ignored
It is truly amazing how some chronically deranged people behave within the various virtual communities.
I am talking about those people who are always busy retorting, criticizing, insulting, sometimes aggressively, without having any valid motivation except the insane intention to satisfy their ego.
When they run out of arguments, because they cannot refute the theses of others, they resort to the “herd” and start claiming that the interlocutor (or the interlocutor) is a so-called “troll”.
This is the easiest system to get rid of both people and uncomfortable opinions.
These people, always ready to burn other people’s ideas at the stake, are the absolute worst.
They think of themselves as the “Savonarolas” of the web.
For this reason, it is best to ignore them.