Voluntary Slavery. Who controls your mind ?

January 6, 2025 Medicine of the Soul, Totalitarianism

Turning souls against themselves is tyranny.

Veronica Baker

Voluntary Slavery. Who controls your mind ?

Source : Pierre Lévy, The liberating fire.

Voluntary Slavery. Who controls your mind ?
Voluntary Slavery. No power would take hold of us if we were truly free, if we never used our energy to destroy ourselves…

“Evil never confesses.
It continues unperturbed to give the impression that it is good.

It is like a totalitarian political party : it wants to dominate, but speaks only of “liberation”.
It lies, continues to proclaim its goodness, and treats its opponents as liars.

If it catches you, it wants to destroy your soul : it will make you spit on what you love (starting with yourself), isolate you, make you dependent, make you afraid, appeal to your every weakness, and finally make you despise yourself.

It will destroy all self-esteem in you so that you can no longer think freely.
Tyranny is exercised by turning souls against themselves.

It terrorizes, seduces, guilts and compromises.

It spreads frustration and hatred ; it makes you spit on what you love or respect.
Tyranny organizes self-hatred.
It manifests in the world the ego of the oppressed.

If we were truly free and never used our energy to destroy ourselves, there would be no power over us.

No one outside of you has power over you.
Power works by consent : with your consent, your own energy is directed against you.

“I am afraid” means “I make myself afraid” ; “I am seduced” means “I seduce myself”, and so on.

Among souls there are prey, predators, and those who, by avoiding the hunt, are in love.

Prey do not feel completely themselves.
They do not live fully and are not fully present.

They do not protect their minds, and therefore their lives are exposed.
Predators, on the other hand, are thirsty for the lives of others, and to feed their egos, they enter the minds of their prey through the cracks of their presence.

They also secure their power by making their victims their enemies.
The dead, insensitive zone, the unprotected part of the mind, seals the fate of the victim.

From here, the prey must contribute to its own anesthesia, and the necrosis through which the parasite has entered it must constantly expand: obsessions, narcissism, fear, laziness, greed, “need for identity”.

And as its plague spreads, the life of the soul, weakened, ebbs without return.
A person at the mercy of his own neuroses makes others work to satisfy his needs.

He uses his energy to fuel his own neurotic scenarios.
But there are always two perpetrators of evil: the parasite and those who allow themselves to be parasitized.
Allowing oneself to be parasitized is also a form of neurosis.

Active and passive are the two faces of evil, complementary egos.
The ego of the vampire can only fit into the ego of the victim.

If he did not flaunt his zone of weakness, of delusion, of insensitivity, he would not let himself be caught.
Those who think they have no right to live are already half dead.

Some people are prone to power and exploitation.
They are the parasites, the vampires.

Others, the dominated, the gentle, are parasites on the former.
The two categories of people contribute equally to the perpetuation and propagation of suffering.
But it is much easier for the parasitized to get rid of suffering than for the parasite : they remain the less dependent of the two.

They only hurt you because you allowed them to attack you.
If you had remained fully present, if you had lived in full consciousness, you would not have exposed yourself to this suffering.

You are not a victim ; you are a volunteer.

It is he who pulls you into a stream of poisoned thoughts and hurts you.

Is it him or is it you ?
Who controls your mind ?”